
May 22, 2024

“Looking Forward to Studying in China!” iFLYTEK Bridges China-Hungary Friendship with AI

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of China-Hungary diplomatic relations, China Daily published a report on May 9 that highlights the deep friendship between the two nations through the stories of teachers and students at the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School in Budapest and their connections with China.



Hungarian Students Earn Full Scholarships for AI Studies in Anhui

According to the China Daily report, iFLYTEK donated AI translation pens to the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School in Budapest to support students learning Chinese and offered full scholarships for students to pursue AI studies at universities in Anhui. Ferenczi Samuel, a twelfth-grader and recipient of the iFLYTEK full scholarship, said he was excited about studying in China, calling it “a great opportunity”. He spoke about his passion for mathematics and computer science and acknowledged excellent career opportunities in AI provided by iFLYTEK. “Having work experience in China will make it easier to find a job back in Hungary,” he added. Another scholarship recipient, Sipos Bendeguz, also plans to pursue AI studies in China. “I've always been curious about China and Chinese culture,” he said, “and I am looking forward to studying there.”


iFLYTEK: Building a Better World with AI

iFLYTEK's European headquarters is located in Budapest, Hungary. As early as last August, as a supplier for the World Athletics Championships, Budapest 2023, iFLYTEK provided automatic translation software, hardware products, and services to the event. While doing so, IFLYTEK took the lead in building a global multilingual technology ecosystem and released the Budapest AI Joint Open Platform. This platform aims to gather global technological forces to serve people worldwide and use technology to promote barrier-free communication. At that time, iFLYTEK's delegation also engaged in multi-level exchanges with Hungarian educators. IFLYTEK donated global Chinese learning platform teaching accounts, IFLYTEK AI translation pens, and full scholarships to the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School to promote cultural exchanges and technological cooperation between China and Hungary. IFLYTEK looks forward to utilizing its core technologies in AI to promote the construction of a better world powered by AI.