
August 26, 2024

“All-area Smart Perception Park of Luogang Park” Won 2022 Top 10 Benchmarking Application Scenarios Award in Hefei

The city of Hefei recently launched the super-scenario of Luogang Park during the since-concluded China Scenario Innovation Summit and the Unicorn Development. The new digitally enhanced park aims to build the city into a future urban super-scenario IP that integrates ecological beauty, application scenarios, and technological innovation. At the conference, iFLYTEK’s “All-area Smart Perception Park of Luogang Park” was awarded the “2022 Top 10 Benchmarking Application Scenarios Award of Hefei.” 


Zhang Youguo (the third from left), Senior Vice President of iFLYTEK, received the award

Zhang Youguo, Senior Vice President of iFLYTEK, attended the conference and received the award on behalf of iFLYTEK. Zhang was joined at the forum by 50 Chinese unicorn companies and over 100 representatives from local technology firms.


The construction of Luogang Park is now fully underway. The construction scheme of the iFLYTEK Digital Intelligence Park involves all parts of park planning, service management, and operation. By building the “Brain of Luogang Park,” iFLTYEK enabled park staff to effectively manage the area through a single monitor. Currently, the “Brain of Luogang Park” is accessible to dozens of units on over 15,000 devices covering 100 categories, including security, municipal administration, transportation, buildings, water supply, gardens, emergency, and fire protection. The Smart Park project team also plans to build a digital twin of Luogang Park and a one-to-one 3-D visual model. The team relies on strict real-time data docking, intelligent data synchronization, and highly integrated business management to realize security, fire protection, tourist status, and operation functions. The “Brain of Luogang Park” offers intuitive support for park decision-makers on business management and promotes the standardization and effectiveness of other aspects of Luogang Park. The system further optimizes the management of the park and its efficient operation.


Since constructing the “All-area Smart Perception Park of Luogang Park,” the project team has committed itself to the in-depth expansion of scenario applications, constantly optimizing products and functions and empowering the park’s management to be refined, efficient, and safe. The project has contributed to roughly 40% of the observed work efficiency improvement and a 30% labor cost drop. The project team delved deeper into smart park management by creating the “Ecological Park” application. Taking the application scenario of “Smart Garden” as an example, the project team joined forces with garden design experts from Anhui Agricultural University to establish the vegetation database of Luogang Park for 199 species, about 114,000 trees and shrubs, and more than 3 million square meters of ground vegetation. The basic information on plants and plant habits was collected and filed, and smart garden management was built according to the garden management business process.


BIM modeling is carried out in the Digital Twin Park on the main body of buildings, internal structure, and drainage HVAC of seven key facilities, including the terminal building and visitor center.


With that, the project team developed functional APPs covering intelligent firefighting, intelligent patrol, and inspection, electronic fence, wading early warning, water accumulation early warning, etc. Taking the “Electronic Fence System” as an example, if someone crosses the park’s soft enclosure and causes damage, the system will identify and warn in real-time and notify the security personnel to go to the site for handling at the same time, and the security personnel will feed back the handling information on the mobile APP to complete the closed loop after handling according to the process.

Through smart security, park management has realized real-time identification and feedback, unified management and control, centralized scheduling and coordination, and timely filing and closed-loop handling of the whole incident process, which has improved the speed of abnormal incident identification and handling efficiency of park management, improved command and dispatch and safety emergency response capabilities, and ensured that the park is safe, efficient, and orderly around the clock.

Luogang Park will become Hefei’s new business card with “the world’s largest city central park” and “Hefei City’s Parlour.” After completion, it will also become a unique place for leisure, physical fitness, and popular science education for the public and a happy paradise for locals. Improving people’s entertainment experience has been pivotal in its construction process.


For park visitors, the project team set up a portal website. It developed a visitor APP, a visitor WeChat applet, and a visitor WeChat account as channels for users to access park services and provide visitor services such as tour guides, smart parking, online shopping, and intelligent customer service.

Through the portal website and app, visitors can check the route and real-time traffic information before coming to the park, and through “smart parking,” they can check parking spaces to make appointments in advance. Once in the park, visitors can check information on scenic spots, venues, experiential facilities, transportation, and tour routes through the APP. At the end of the tour, visitors can find their cars through the app and pay online in advance. The project team also created a digital garden tour and online flower viewing service so visitors can tour the park without leaving their homes.

While offline, the project team set up a park information screen to provide real-time information for visitors, including weather warnings, surrounding traffic information, park tours, and more. There are also smart guide screens in the park’s service centers to provide visitors with navigation and answer any questions.

iFLYTEK has implemented its Digital Intelligence Park scheme in over 80 locations in China. In the future, iFLYTEK will continue to invest its time and resources into digitally enhancing urban park settings.